English: Bonus material: 70-20-10 Model

Erstellt von Laura Werle, Geändert am Fr, 9 Dez, 2022 um 6:08 NACHMITTAGS von Laura Werle

The 70-20-10 model is designed to help structure continuing education, as well as understand which forms of learning are most important and have the greatest impact. What becomes apparent here: Employers shouldn't invest too much money in traditional training at all, but should create an environment of informal learning.

The percentages represent the form of learning:

  • 70 percent is learned through concrete tasks or projects
  • 20 percent is learned through your professional environment, mainly through colleagues and superiors.
  • 10 percent through traditional training, such as in seminars, by reading books and articles, or by learning content in other learning formats.

Informal learning dominates:

Learning in the process of work changes the perspective. Learning can no longer be viewed in isolation from work; instead, learning becomes a component of work. Conversely, workplace experiences are also becoming an integral part of learning.

However, the right mix for employee training does not include informal learning alone. Formal learning opportunities, whether in the form of a seminar, course or e-learning offering, also continue to exist and play an important role in the overall concept.

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